
The European Commission Blue Book Traineeship Program

Deadline : January 31, 2023

Each year the European Commission offers five month, paid traineeships, for 1,800 trainees. These Traineeships include positions in administrative or translation. The traineeships usually start on 1 March for the spring session and 1 October for the fall session. The main aim of these Traineeships is to trainees hands-on experience of EU policy making in a multicultural environment.

Applications for the Fall Session starting October 2023 are now open and will close on January 31, 2023. Trainees work all over the European Commission/Services/Agencies. As many of them will be stationed in Brussels, others will be working in Luxembourg and across the European Union.

For each Traineeship period, the Commission’s Traineeships Office determines the exact number of trainees to be attributed to each Directorate General, Service and Agency, depending on the budget availability and the existing conditions as well as resources.

As a trainee, you daily work consist of the following

  • You will attend and organize meetings, working groups, forums, public hearings
  • Trainees will engage in researching and compiling documentation, reports, consultations, answering queries
  • You will also have the responsibilities of running work related projects

On their part, the agencies you will be working for will expect you to have the following:

  • Openess to European issues
  • Interest in learning about Commission working methods
  • Willingness to work in a multicultural environment
  • Contribution to everyday work with a fresh point of view
  • Proactive attitude


Once selected for this traineeship, you will be eligible for the following benefits

  • You will receive a living allowance for the whole period of the traineeship. The living allowance for the 2022 traineeships sessions was 1,252.68€ per month.
  • Trainees will also receive reimbursements for Visa costs
  • Medical fees and travel expenditures may also be reimbursed

Other benefits that Trainees will go with back home include the following:

  • Trainees will gain full insight into the processes and policies of the European Institutions
  • You will have an opportunity to play a part in the Commission’s day-to-day business
  • Trainees will have the opportunity to put academic theory into practice


The traineeship programme is open to university graduates who:

  1. You must have a university degree or equivalent, of at least 3 years of study or 180 ETCS, corresponding to a complete cycle (Bachelor’s Degree)
  2. Applicants must have very good knowledge of two EU official languages, one of which must be a procedural language, that is, English or French or German.
  3. For non EU nationals only one procedural language is required.
  4. The language level required is a C level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  5. You must have no prior work experience of any kind, in excess of 6 weeks in any EU institution, body or agency, EU delegations, with Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ.
  6. There is no age limit for applicants


Applications for the Traineeship programme are submitted online using the online application portal. The Application portal is now open and will close on January 31, 2023. You will be required to submit the following application documents

  • A copy of a valid passport/ identity card as evidence of you nationality
  • Submit copies of all university diplomas you have declared to hold in your application
  • Also include corresponding university transcripts for all the degrees you have completed
  • Applicants may also include copies of proof of enrolment in ongoing studies
  • Proof of Language proficiency may include the following
    • Language proficiency certificates
    • Documented written proof of proficiency for the language from language centers. Language proofs must indicate the level obtained.
    • language courses at university clearly indicating the level
    • University courses entirely taught in English
  • If applicable, Copies of proof of all declared working experience. Request a letter of reference by your employer, with a company letter head, duly signed and dated and clearly mentioning the work period

To apply, Click here

For more information, visit the official website here


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