
Here’s All You Need to Know About GMAT

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is intended to assess candidates interested in pursuing an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) or Masters in Finance-related courses. The exam assesses the candidate’s writing, analytical, verbal, quantitative reasoning, and reading abilities in standard written English.

GMAT scores are required for admission to over 1500 graduate business institutions worldwide. The exam is computer-based. However, the paper-based approach is still used in some isolated areas. GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) is in charge of the GMAT’s design and management. It determines what skills the GMAT measures and what methods can be used to measure them. It establishes the GMAT format and question paper pattern.

Computer Adaptive Test

The GMAT is a computer-adaptive exam. The questions in a computer adaptive test are not pre-determined. The exam determines the appropriate difficulty level for the candidate before posing the question.

The first question, for example, will be of average difficulty. If you correctly answer it, the next question will be slightly more challenging. If your answer is incorrect, the difficulty of the question will be reduced. The same algorithm is used for the second, third, and so on.

Because this is a computer adaptive test, and your answer influences the level of the next question, you are not permitted to return to a previously answered question. Your score is not determined solely by the number of correct answers. GMAT scoring points are higher for difficult questions than for easier questions.

Executive Assessment

GMAT evaluation is a GMAC exam for EMBA programs. Executive MBA is abbreviated as EMBA. An EMBA is a short-term program for working individuals who wish to develop their managerial and leadership skills but do not want to shift their career path significantly. The EA exam is referred to as a mini-GMAT exam. The EA test is more focused on Integrated thinking and is better suited to experienced applicants.


While the GRE is a typical Graduate Record Examination, the GMAT is more weighted and focuses on the candidates’ management ability. The GMAT is usually taken by graduates who intend to study in an MBA or management degree.

According to test takers, the GRE has a higher level of English language while the GMAT has a larger degree of quantitative issues. However, for all topics, interpretation talents vary from person to person, and you should consult with the institute before settling on one.

GMAT Eligibility

The GMAT, as the name implies, is for graduates who want to pursue postgraduate studies in management institutions or b-schools around the world. As a result, a minimum age requirement exists. Candidates under the age of 18 can take the exam if they have a letter from a parent or guardian.

GMAT Exam Dates

Candidates can take the GMAT at any time of year, but it is always a good idea to check test center availability and area holidays first. Once you’ve taken the GMAT, you’ll have to wait 16 days before taking it again.

GMAT Registration

Anyone can register for the GMAT Exam at any time during the year. However, to ensure that you receive the date you desire, you should Register for GMAT as soon as you decide to take the examinations. In most cases, the candidate will register for the GMAT online for the most convenient date and time for him or her.

GMAT Exam Fees

Candidates must pay a registration fee in order to take the exam. The GMAT fees vary depending on the location and region from which you apply, but they are typically between $250 and 280 dollars. However, because fees vary by region, it is important to check the official website first.

GMAT Exam Pattern

GMAT consists of four subjects and the test runs for three and a half hours. GMAT test-takers are assessed in the following subjects:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Quantitative
  • Verbal
  • Integrated Reasoning

The exam lasts approximately 3.5 hours. The analytical writing and integrated reasoning sections last 30 minutes, while the Verbal and Quantitative sections last 65 and 62 minutes, respectively.

GMAT Syllabus

Each of the GMAT’s four subjects has its own specific courses and fields of study. Though there is no set curriculum, one can always cover all aspects of a subject. There are a plethora of GMAT exam materials accessible both online and offline that cover a substantial percentage of the syllabus and give candidates with all conceivable question types and solutions.

GMAT Preparation

There is a lot of GMAT prep material available, both online and offline.There are some of the best GMAT prep books and online resources available.To score among the top 15% of candidates taking the GMAT, one can devote an average of 100 hours of study time.Before taking the real GMAT exam, you can practice with a few GMAT Sample Questions.

In short, the correct amount and method of study are critical for performing well on the GMAT exam. Candidates for Verbal will need to practice reading comprehension from various materials, understand and work on their English Grammar, and reading ability. Similarly, for quantitative analysis, you will need to work in various areas of mathematics.

GMAT Scores

You will hear about two kinds of GMAT scores. When you finish your test at the center, you will see your unofficial scores. These are only for the candidate’s use and should not be utilized in any official capacity. GMAT test scores range from 200 to 800, with multiples of 10 such as 710, 720, and so on. The official GMAT scores are released three weeks after the exam and can be utilized for admission purposes.

GMAT Scholarships for B-Schools

Keep in mind that completing the GMAT is not the only requirement for receiving a scholarship. There are numerous other prerequisites. The scholarships are mostly merit-based or need-based (for those who face financial difficulties). Not all scholarships are available to all B-schools. Check with the institute for available scholarships and eligibility requirements.

Top Business Schools with GMAT scholarships

 Stanford Graduate School of Business The Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship
Haas School of Business Dr. Tahir Fellowships
Booth School of Business The Zonis Fellowship
 Akhtar Ali H. Tobaccowala Fellowship
Harvard Business School Horace W. Goldsmith Fellowship
 The Robert S. Kaplan Life Sciences Fellowship
 HBS Fellowship Programs
Wharton School of Business Emerging Economy Fellowships
 Social Impact Fellowship
 Joseph Wharton Fellowship

University Of Aberdeen Undergraduate/PGDE Global Scholarships, 2023 -UK

What to Know About GMAT Syllabus